Monday, April 21, 2008

We have so far lost two guinea hens. The first broke her leg somehow and Tim had to kill her. The second has an interesting story that leads to its' untimely demise.
One sunny day we all walked out to admire the chickens and how cute they were. Joe, the studly rooster that he is, was strutting around proudly claiming his territory. Each seemed content pecking in their own areas except this one guinea whom I believe discovered a grain stash Joe was protecting. As she passed Joe heading for his stash he suddenly reached out and grabbed this not-so-small guinea in his beak and wouldn't let go. Oh the noise she produced, squawking and crying out; her little guinea feet slashing through air trying to find ground again. Joe held tight though until he felt she understood the point he was trying to make. Then as quickly as he had grabbed her he let her go. She stood there for a minute acting as if she were going through a checklist. Still breathing-check; head still attached-check; feet on the ground-check; and off she went and seemed perfectly fine.
Every day we watched to make sure there were no serious injuries and until about three days after the attack she seemed fine. Then we noticed her getting progressively worse as the week wore on. By the end of the week she could not breath nor could she hold herself up. Finally one day she just died. I was puzzled by this because she had been doing so well with no problems so I did a little research into the behavior of chickens. I found that when one of the hens in a clutch has an ailment the other hens(notice I'm talking hens here)instead of coming to her aid and helping her through this difficult time actually peck her to death. So each night when the hens went in to roost they were literally pecking her to death day by day. Isn't it interesting that this is a typical female behavior. Why are a group of women talking referred to as the hen house? What is it they talk about? Are they theoretically killing a wounded friend with their tongue. I know I cannot hold myself blameless. Please forgive me if I have ever wounded a sister or brother through thoughtless words aimed to kill their spirit. Lord help me to continually lift up and nuture those around me to help them "live and not die" and grow to become what you will them to become. In the mighty name of Yeshua.