Monday, May 17, 2010

Spring preparation

The Lion's Gate Farm is finally settling into a routine of sorts after our move. The fencing is almost complete and plans are being reviewed for putting up the barn.
I love this place. It is bursting with life. As I walk the property I am amazed at how full and laden with fruit the trees are. When I walk around the pond my being is filled with complete peace. It is ten acres less than where we moved from but it is ours and it is rich.
The animals love it here too. The baby billies are growing quickly and I'm sure before too long they will no longer have a baby kid smell but the recognizable stench of a billie goat. But for now it's fun to watch them play tag and tear from one end of the pasture to the other turning circles and performing circus flips in the air.
It's possible that we may have three more goats kid yet this year. I am expecting one or two goats to kid around May 26th and possibly Lila will kid in June as her udder is starting to fill out some.
The bees are coming along. One hive is ready for the honey super if I could only find the stain to get it weatherized before it gets set out. The other hive started out slow as we probably had 1000 dead bees when it arrived so they are having to work harder to establish their hive.
The house is coming along slowly because our focus has been on planting and birthing kids and crops and bees. I even tried, unsuccessfully, to worm farm. I will give that another try before the cold sets in so I can supplement the chickens feed this winter and not rely on store bought grain so much. The Lord has given us what we require to sustain ourselves. We just need to reach through the ages and remember how.

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